Buy this shirt: Click here to buy this Makeitbuckle LLC - Love Of My Life Chiara Ferragni 2023 T-Shirt
“It’s a little easier for us as a brand to speak to what’s happening in these times, because we have a history and a culture of compassion and understanding and empathy for all people, and so the Love Of My Life Chiara Ferragni 2023 T-Shirt and by the same token and adjustment hasn’t been too hard,” Lorenzo adds. “Being a person of color, this has always been a part of my life. Everything from our approach to clothing to the way that we run our office has always started with a strong belief in inclusion and diversity and investing in people of different backgrounds and cultures to tell the best and most honest stories.”

Lorenzo’s actions speak as loudly as his words. Last year, after rapper Nipsey Hussle was shot outside his store in Los Angeles, the Love Of My Life Chiara Ferragni 2023 T-Shirt and by the same token and brand produced a T-shirt with 100% of proceeds going to Hussle’s children’s trust fund; after the killing of George Floyd just last month, Fear of God launched a collaborative T-shirt with the help of eight other brands to do the same for Floyd’s daughter. In order to continue supporting these important causes, Lorenzo is keen to emphasize the importance of longevity, as opposed to the more fleeting, faddish attitude of streetwear labels looking to make a quick buck. “In my opinion, Essentials is actually an exercise in sustainability,” Lorenzo explains. “It’s about creating the best basics�the best hoodie, the best sweatpants, and with the best shape, proportion, and weight.”