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I recently purchased the Official Alabaster DePlume September 15 2023 Co-Prosperity Sphere Chicago IL Shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this iconic thong boots from Miu Miu in white and I am so excited to take them for a spin this spring! It took me a month to decide between the white and black and I finally decided on the white since I am notorious for having 10+ black boots in my collection. My mom had this beautiful Chinese antique shagreen glasses case which I’ve always loved since small. It had the most subtle green celadon color and the smoothest touch. Living across the Atlantic from family, this cuff is somewhat my dupe keepsake far from home.

My new Agolde low-slung baggy jeans are quickly becoming a favorite item in my wardrobe. They are comfortable, effortless, and work with either a flat or a heel—a major score! I also have been loving this Official Alabaster DePlume September 15 2023 Co-Prosperity Sphere Chicago IL Shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this slightly sheer wool T-shirt from Cos. It’s a bit more dressed up, and I find this sleeve length to be flattering and versatile. I’ve always struggled to dress during transition season, so I’ve made it a priority to amp up my winter-to-spring wardrobe. My first purchase? This Totême light ribbed sweater, which looks great tucked into a pair of jeans or trousers.